
Discover the Scholarship Opportunities for International Students in Germany

What does it feel like to study in one of the most amazing country on the planet? It can be very exciting to study in Germany! Yes, Germany, the land of ideas! But trust me, it can be difficult if one doesn’t have the financial power to make the dream of studying in Germany a reality.
Are you so worried about how to finance your studies in Germany?

Oh…. no need to worry. There are lots of scholarship opportunities for you to study in Germany. Kampus Konnekt49 will help you with the scholarship guidelines and information you need to study in Germany for free. Yes, free as an international student, there are organisations that can cover your expenses throughout your study and stay in Germany. Aside from availability of scholarship, there are also interesting things about studying in Germany that keep attracting international students. You can read more about that here.
In Germany, there are various scholarships, both government funded scholarships and non-government funded scholarships.
Thus, we have listed some of the best PhD, Masters, and undergraduate level scholarships in Germany for you here.

DAAD Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest funding organization in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Since its foundation in 1925, over 1.5 million scholars in Germany and abroad have received DAAD funding. DAAD is a private, federally funded and state-funded, self-governing national agency of the institutions of higher education in Germany, representing 365 German higher education institutions.

They don’t restrict their support to granting funds and scholarships, but involve the internalization of Germany’s universities, promote the German language in the world, and give perceivable help to foreign universities to improve. Its funding relies on many sources, to mention here the German Federal Foreign Office, the European Union and a wide number of private organizations or companies in and out of Germany. The DAAD’s rich scholarship scheme targets a wide category of international students. Currently, there are exactly 220 Scholarships options to select among. You can track them at the DAAD Scholarship. You can get more info here.


The Erasmus+ is the EU official bursary platform offering funds and different waivers for talented students through their exchange and scholarship programs. This well-established organization has stretched its network in almost every part of Europe and the amount of grants it awards is increasing year to year. The EU Commission, which leads the Erasmus+ program, gives a significant number of Erasmus scholarships to Germany’s universities as one participator. See more info here.

The Deutschlandstipendium

The Deutschlandstipendium provides financial and non-material support to high-achieving and committed students from all over the world. Modelled after the principle of public-private partnership, businesses, foundations or private individuals sponsor young talent with a pledge of 150 euros per month. The Federal Government matches this amount with another 150 euros. But there is even more: Many universities and private sponsors also support Deutschlandstipendium holders through concurrent mentoring programmes, networking events and internships.

See more info here.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung is the oldest political-associated foundation in Germany named after the first ever democratically elected president of Germany, Friedrich Ebert. The foundation offers scholarship to both international and German students.

See more info here.

Non-government funded scholarships

There are non-government organisations and universities that gives scholarship to international students. Here are a few:

Mawista Scholarships

The Helmholtz Association

Heinrich Böll Scholarships for International Students

Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship

Haniel Scholarship Program

Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation

Robert Bosch Foundation GmbH

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Jacobs University

Universität Heidelberg

Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarship

German Foundation Music Life

Bayer Foundation